General Plan

The General Plan is a legal document, required by state law, which serves as the City of Menlo Park’s “constitution” for development and the use of its land. It is a comprehensive, long-term document, detailing proposals for the physical development of the City, and of any land outside its boundaries but within its designated “sphere of influence.

Originally Purpose Statement (1994)

to preserve and extend the charm and beauty inherent to the residential character of the city; to regulate and limit the density of population; encourage the most appropriate use of land; to conserve land and stabilize the value of property; to provide adequate open space for light, air and fire protection; to lessen traffic congestion; to facilitate the provision of community facilities; to encourage tree and shrub planting; to encourage building construction of pleasing design; to provide the economic and social advantages of a planned community.


Now being updated as required by the State of California.

Last Amended – May 21, 2013 by City Council Resolution 6152

Official City Documents

General Plan – Land Use & Circulation

General Plan – Housing Element

General Plan – Open Space/Conservation, Noise & Safety Elements

Development Process

Document Center