The Town Square project is in the core of Burlingame’s Downtown and presents a rare opportunity to create a focal point for the area. The square is intended to be “Burlingame’s Living Room,” providing a public gathering space in an inviting environment.

Broadway Specific Plan
In early 2025, the City of Burlingame has started the process of creating the Broadway Specific Plan.
In January 2019, the City of Burlingame adopted a new General Plan, known as “Envision Burlingame.” The plan calls for Broadway to maintain its character as a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, mixed-use district that supports and encourages local businesses and local investment, and that serves as a gathering place for Burlingame residents and a quaint destination for visitors..

- Town Square Overview Brochure
- Burlingame Specific Plan (city website)
- Emerging Broadway Vision Framework (February 2025)