Downtown Business Directory

Downtown Menlo Park consists primarily of small independent service providers, specialty retailers and eating establishments. There are no traditional entertainment venues, e.g., movie theaters, music halls. Outdoor dining has become popular since the pandemic.

Business Categories

  • Personal service providers are primarily hair, nail, and cosmetic salons with either storefronts or small offices. There are also home designers, healthcare specialists, accountants, and tax and investment advisors. These businesses are generally appointment-based but “walk-ins” are sometimes welcomed.
  • Specialty retailers provide hardware, groceries, home furnishings.
  • Eating establishments include restaurants, casual food and specialty products
  • The retail mix is dominated by specialty service businesses (20), home furnishings stores (19), eating establishments (18), salons (15), specialty foods and beverages (14), and specialty products (11).
  • The retail vacancy rate of non-leased properties is 11%.
  • All kitchen-equipped locations are leased.
  • New fine restaurants continue to appear both downtown and El Camino.


Downtown Business Directory Maps

The names, types and addresses of individual businesses are shown on the following maps.

Along the north side of Santa Cruz Avenue.

Side streets north of Santa Cruz Avenue.

Along the south side of Santa Cruz Avenue.

Side streets south of Santa Cruz Avenue.

West side of El Camino between Oak Grove Avenue & Menlo Avenue

Downtown Menlo Park Street Addresses And Parking Lots