Vision Plan

This document reflects the vision of the Menlo Park community for Menlo Parks’ Downtown and El Camino Real corridor. This vision has been developed through intensive outreach and discussion during Phase I of this process. The Vision Plan is intended to serve as a starting point for further discussion and community planning. The next step in Menlo Park’s planning for the future of El Camino Real and Downtown will be in Phase II. Planning processes taking place in that phase will include expanded community-wide discussions, stakeholder involvement and technical analysis.

The heart of the Vision Plan is the 12 goals, which serve as the foundation for the Specific Plan:

  1. Vision Plan Area Character: Maintain a village character unique to Menlo Park.
  2. East-West Connectivity: Provide greater east-west, town-wide connectivity.
  3. El Camino Real Circulation: Improve circulation and streetscape conditions on El Camino Real.
  4. Neighborhood Context: Ensure that El Camino Real development is sensitive to and compatible with adjacent neighborhoods.
  5. Vacant and Underutilized Parcels on El Camino Real: Revitalize underutilized parcels and buildings.
  6. Train Station Area: Activate the train station area.
  7. Santa Cruz Avenue Pedestrian Character: Protect and enhance pedestrian amenities on Santa Cruz Avenue.
  8. Downtown Vibrancy: Expand shopping, dining and neighborhood services to ensure a vibrant downtown.
  9. Housing: Provide residential opportunities in the Vision Plan Area.
  10. Open Space: Provide plaza and park spaces.
  11. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation: Provide an integrated, safe and well-designed pedestrian and bicycle network.
  12. Parking: Develop parking strategies and facilities that meet the commercial and residential needs of the community.


Accepted July 2008

Official Documents

El Camino/Downtown Vision Plan

Development Process
